
Assassin's Creed Origins Pyramid Of Khufu

The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known the Pyramid of Khufu, is an Egyptian pyramid congenital during the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu, around the 2580 to 2560 BCE. Located in Giza, the pyramid was built atop the ancient Isu circuitous Khesesh Em Sesh Em Eeneb and served equally the Khufu's tomb.[one]


The Not bad Pyramid was built around 2550 BCE as the final resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, and is considered i of the nigh iconic structures in Egypt. It is the largest of the pyramids and the simply one of the Seven Wonders of the Aboriginal World yet continuing. It was built by a workforce of over 20,000 people, six million tons of rock and took xx years to consummate.[2]

The pyramid is part of Khufu's expansive funerary circuitous, which additionally included two temples, three satellite pyramids, a causeway and a builder's necropolis. Information technology has been theorized that Khufu wished to proclaim himself the most powerful Pharaoh in all of Egypt, even in death.[3]

The pyramid was precisely orientated due north-s to the four primal points of a compass, the length of each side of the pyramid was 230 meters and its original tiptop was 147 meters. The pyramid is only a modest 0.5% mistake abroad from being a perfect foursquare.[4]


In 48 BCE, the Medjay Bayek of Siwa travelled to the pyramid in pursuit of Khaliset, a member of the Order of the Ancients, having learned almost her activities from people in the expanse and from clues within her lair. Exploring the pyramid, Bayek deciphered an Old Kingdom stele and discovered an entrance which led to the Isu complex.[v]

In 46 BCE, the Subconscious Ones rushed to the pyramid in lodge to prevent the "Ibis Reborn" breaking into the Isu vault below the pyramid. On their way, they took down several members of his sect.[6] Inbound the pyramid, the "Ibis Reborn" used several decoys to delay the Hidden Ones. Since he didn't know how to activate the pedestal, he turned his acrimony to the Hidden Ones who faced him. The Hidden Ones unveiled his true face up afterward defeating the "Ibis Reborn". He was not the resurrected Ibis of the Gild of the Ancients equally he had claimed, but a priest named Menkhtu, a follower of the deceased Medunamun.[7]


The materials used in the construction of the pyramid consisted of locally quarried limestone blocks, weighing between 2 to xv tons each.[eight] These blocks were only used for the exterior of the pyramid however, every bit the interior chambers were build with red granite from Aswan.[9] Information technology is estimated that it took betwixt 600,000 and 2 million blocks of the rock to construct the pyramid.[ten]


Diagram of the interior structures of the Slap-up Pyramid.

Located 17 meters above ground lays the archway to the Great Pyramid facing northward, likely to marshal with the North Star. Although the archway was discovered in antiquity, further access was barred by big vertical slabs of rock.[11]

The entrance to the ascending passage contains iii granite flagstones weighing an estimated 25 tons each. These heavy stones were used to protect the pyramid from thieves. Likewise the thieves just dug effectually the stones, thereby creating the Robbers' Entrance.[12] The ascending passage is accessed 30 meters from the entrance along the descending corridor, it leads directly to the Grand Gallery. Each corridor has the same similar 26-degree incline.[13] Smoothen masonry finishes off the ascending passage and the layout includes many trapezoidal stones. The flooring and ceiling testify testify of having been widened, possibly to allow the transport of the large granite blocks.[14]

Queen's Chamber

Although the sleeping accommodation is attributed to the Queen, it is believed there was never anyone else buried in the tomb. Information technology was likely intended to agree the king's serdab, a statue of his ka—housing his spirit.[15] The chamber is situated exactly in the center of the pyramid, on its east-west axis. The chamber's vaulted ceiling measures 5.7 past five.2 meters. The ka statue was perchance held in a niche in the eastern wall, constrict away in a small-scale corbelled entrance. Another smaller hole can be found backside the niche, possibly from thieves searching for farther treasure.[16]

Grand Gallery

The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza

The Thou Gallery's purpose is even so largely unknown. Possible theories include being a buffer to protect the King'south Sleeping accommodation, or to align with the stars. It could also simply been to facilitate moving the granite blocks inside the pyramid. Access to the Queen's Chamber was at the beginning of the Thou Gallery.[17] The corbelled vault is the longest ever built measuring 8.6 meters high and 47 meters long. Its walls were fabricated to taper inward in order to permit for a meliorate weight distribution. Equally a outcome, the ceiling measures but over a meter wide at its highest point.[18]

The far end of the Grand Gallery leads to a small antechamber, with a portcullis preventing access to the Male monarch's Chamber.[xix]

King'south Bedroom

The King's Chamber was the room that held the sarcophagus of Khufu and was made entirely out of red granite. The King's Sleeping accommodation measured 5.viii meters in heights. The room features an imposing encompass of five stacked levels overhead, with granite beams weighing 25 to twoscore tons each. The bedchamber's highest level is surrounded by a vault of stones, arranged in chevrons to bear the extreme weight of the overall construction.[20]

Modernistic archway

The entrance of the pyramid

Modern twenty-four hours visitors of the pyramid must enter via the Robbers' Archway.[eleven] Opened during the 9th century by Caliph Al-Ma'mun. The Caliph had his men dig inside the Great Pyramid in search of treasure. The entrance they entered through was a preexisting opening past grave robbers in antiquity that was then expanded past the Caliph's men.[21]



  • Assassin'south Creed II (as Glyph)
  • Assassin's Creed: Origins (first appearance)
  • Discovery Tour: Ancient Arab republic of egypt
  • Assassin'south Creed: Rebellion
    • The Mask of the Ibis
    • Echoes Through the Counterinsurgency


  1. Assassin's Creed: Origins
  2. Discovery Tour: Aboriginal Egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Great Pyramid: "The Nifty Pyramid of Giza"
  3. Discovery Bout: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Peachy Pyramid: "Khufu'southward Legacy"
  4. Discovery Tour: Ancient Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Cracking Pyramid: "Some Numbers"
  5. Assassin'due south Creed: Origins – The Hyena
  6. Assassin'south Creed: Rebellion – The Mask of the Ibis – The City of the Dead
  7. Assassin'due south Creed: Rebellion – The Mask of the Ibis – The Bounty of Thoth
  8. Discovery Bout: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Peachy Pyramid: "An Impressive Realization"
  9. Discovery Tour: Ancient Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Cracking Pyramid: "The Stones of the Great Pyramid"
  10. Discovery Tour: Aboriginal Egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Great Pyramid: "An Artificial Mountain"
  11. 11.0 xi.1 Discovery Tour: Ancient Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Cracking Pyramid: "Entrances of the Great Pyramid"
  12. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Nifty Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The Ascending Passage"
  13. Discovery Tour: Ancient Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Groovy Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "A Path to the Grand Gallery"
  14. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Nifty Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "Smooth Masonry"
  15. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Great Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The Queen'due south Sleeping room"
  16. Discovery Bout: Aboriginal Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Great Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The Queen's Chamber Dimensions"
  17. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Great Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "Access to the Queen'due south Chamber"
  18. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Nifty Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The Grand Gallery"
  19. Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt – Tours: The Bang-up Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The Anteroom"
  20. Discovery Tour: Aboriginal Egypt – Tours: The Great Pyramid of Giza: Upper Chambers: "The King's Sleeping room"
  21. Discovery Bout: Ancient Arab republic of egypt – Tours: The Secrets of the Neat Pyramid: "Robber'south Archway"


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