
Crisis Core Final Fantasy Vii Gameplay

Crisis Core – Final Fantasy VII Logo.PNG

Welcome kiddies, to Drake Clawfang's walkthrough of Crisis Cadre -Concluding Fantasy Vii-! Information technology's general agreement that Crisis Core is the "best" office of the Compilation of FF7 aside from the original game itself - considering its contest includes a movie, a FPS and a Japanese-sectional mobile game, that doesn't say a lot when y'all call up most information technology. Even so, for it'due south faults (disability to skip cutscenes and 300 boring filler missions) Crisis Cadre is still a solid game. And so come up along, and be certain to strap yourself in - it's gonna be a bumpy ride! *evil laugh*

Controls [ ]

Kickoff off, forget almost everything you know about traditional Final Fantasy battles - the ATB organization, parties, rows, and limit meters are gone. Crisis Core withal uses Materia, feel points and random encounters, simply that's near it. In terms of gameplay, Crunch Core has just as much in common with Kingdom Hearts as it does with Terminal Fantasy.

Both the analog stick and the D-pad move y'all around. O-button is cancel, X is ostend. Foursquare is either Contrivance Roll, call upwardly the map, or Unequip an item, depending on the circumstances. Triangle is baby-sit in battle, which you'll never use because I notice dodging much easier. Start is pause, and the L and R buttons coil through your commands in battle. It's a unproblematic but basic set-upwardly. Already I'll bet y'all KH vets are starting to feel at dwelling house eh?

General Tips [ ]

Learn to contrivance. It will save your ass.

Get used to Materia Fusion after in the game, it helps you become the all-time commands and highest stat boosts.

Very important - Crunch Cadre uses a chapter organization, so at that place is no backtracking. With the exception of the missions, if you pass up optional stuff y'all don't get the take chances to come up back for it later.

I find the missions to exist distractions from the chief game. At present, if yous take the time out to practise them forth the fashion you lot'll exist much ameliorate prepared for the chief game as you'll have more items, amend Materia and be at a higher level. That said, the strongest missions are best saved for the end of the game, and it's perfectly possible to play through to the end without doing any missions at all. I volition non cover Missions in detail in this guide - I'll let you know what'southward available when, what the benefits of doing that mission sooner than after are, and what yous should sentry out for, but I'm non going into specific details on the missions themselves.

The reason for this is simple - all the missions are completely identical. A Crisis Core Mission Guide would just be the sentence "walk around the arena, opening whatever chests y'all encounter until you notice the boss enemy", re-create and pasted 250 times (approximately 50 missions are really more than unique, though that may be a generous estimate). And so really, there'south no walkthrough to exercise - all the missions ready y'all downwards in some sort of generic mine or factory, unremarkably a very pocket-sized expanse, yous wander around until you find a boss enemy, you kill it, Mission Complete. I'm pretty sure yous kiddies can handle that on your ain, right? Right.

Boss Template [ ]

I use a Boss Template for my walkthroughs. The template gives the boss' HP, MP, and which of its attacks are dangerous. Steal is the item the boss has to steal, Morph is meaningless in this game and then that field is always empty, and drib is what the boss drops at the finish of the fight. Weakness is what the boss is weak to, and resistance is what is a bad idea to attack it with. I too rate bosses on a scale of one to 5;

Rating What it ways
i/5 If y'all lose, y'all're a disgrace to the RPG genre
2/5 You shouldn't have too much trouble if you're careful
3/v This dominate poses a fleck of a threat, merely you should win
4/v You'll probably die at least once fighting this boss
5/5 Kick your heels behind your caput and osculation your donkey goodbye

Alright, enough talk. Permit's go this show on the road.

Walkthrough [ ]

  1. Introductory Sequence and Fort Tamblin
  2. Fort Tamblin cont. and Chapter 3 Subquests
  3. Banora Village
  4. Midgar and Sector 5 Reactor
  5. Slums and Return to Midgar
  6. Subquests and Modeoheim
  7. Modeoheim continued, and Junon
  8. Subquests, Flower Carts and Nibelheim
  9. Escaping Nibelheim and Gongaga
  10. Banora Underground and End Game


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